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Year 6 Leavers


Celebrating The End Of An Era With Year 6 Leavers

It might seem a bit far off yet, but the end of the school year will be here before you know it. And that means it’s time to start thinking about your Year Six leavers. Year Six children building towards the final phase of their primary education will experience a whole range of emotions when they move from one chapter of their life to another.

It’s a big step, going from the school you’ve known for 7 years into a new chapter, and they’ll probably have developed some affection for the old place. So you want to send them on their way in the best way possible, right?

But picking the perfect leavers presents for year 6 can be tricky. Do you go for useful, or sentimental? Serious, or whacky? Or maybe somewhere in the middle? Whatever you choose, there are some great staples you should consider...

Preschool Graduation


Hoodies are a classic leavers gift for older students, and for good reason. They’re a simple way for leavers to remember their school in a stylish and cosy way. They can be decorated with the school logo, their class year and even the names of everyone in their class so that every time they put it on it brings back fond memories. Most suppliers can provide hoodies in a rainbow of colours and sizes; some even offer t-shirts and polo shirts in the same design for those who prefer something more lightweight.

So there’s something for everyone. Just remind parents to order a size up so the kids can grow into it! Some schools gift them to their leavers, others use them as an opportunity to sell to parents at a markup to raise their fundraising totals.



One of the more fun things we’ve seen schools doing over the last few years is offering leavers medals. Small medals with the school’s name and logo, and personalised with each child’s name, and are given to each child on their last day. These are the perfect way to celebrate reaching the end of their primary school years, and a confidence boost to send them up to ‘big school’.

It shows how proud you are of their achievements, and it’s something that won’t just get shoved in a box once the day is over either! Check ours out...



Kids love a good mascot and having their own furry friend to take home when they say farewell can be a good way to ease the transition. You can commission your leavers’ bears to be wearing the school uniform, or a tiny version of the leavers’ t-shirts, so they can match! Their pint-sized friend can accompany them on their new school journey, or just provide an element of comfort and familiarity whenever it’s needed.

It’s why some call them ‘hug bears’!



We’ve not been shy about the fact that we love a good yearbook. It’s a physical way to keep those memories alive for years to come. For year 6, yearbooks can hold some of the most precious memories of innocence and fun, and they’re often the bits adults love looking back at the most!

You can choose a theme for each year and pack them full of pictures of day trips, non-uniform days, activities and plays. Plus that all-important final class photo of and their individual leavers photos too.

We had a good yammer about yearbooks in this blog, so if you want to know more about those, click here to give it a read.



Along with all the other goodies you give your leavers’, a certificate can be the icing on the cake. Just a little something to remind them of all they have achieved, and how proud they should be of themselves as they take this next big step. At Smiles at School, we can provide you with a downloadable certificate just for enquiring about our leaver’s activities, so why not ask here?


Leavers Parties

Make sure they go out with a bang! Instead of spending the last day in class, why not throw a leavers party to remember? Add in balloons and decorations, lay on some food and let them have fun.

A photobooth with fun props and instant photos can be a great addition, as it lets them take photos with their friends and enjoy being a bit silly – then take them home and include the memories in their yearbooks. As about ours!


Branded Tote Bags

Phew – that’s a lot of stuff! Your leavers need something to put all of those gifts in, so why not top if off with a branded tote bag? Keep everything together when you hand over their booty, plus all the bits and pieces that have gathered in their classroom drawer over the year! It’ll be reused time and time again, helping your school name be seen by new and prospective parents in the area.


At Smiles At School, we believe in no smile left behind – and that includes the ones who are leaving you! That’s why we don’t just capture memories during school, but we help you create the perfect leavers’ gifts for your oldest students. A token or two to send them on their way to ‘big school’. So whether you like the ideas we’ve shared here or have some of your own you want to bounce off us, we’re all ears!

Just give us a call to start planning your year 6 leavers gifts now.